I Am About to Reveal to You the Road to Optimal Health…
“Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.” - Matthew 7 13-14
I am about to reveal to you the road to optimal health.
It is not “quick and easy.”
It is not simple.
It is actually quite the opposite.
I know, full well, that what I will ask of you in the forthcoming chapters will be, without a doubt, the hardest thing you will ever do in your life.
It is your greatest journey.
Does that scare you? I hope it does.
You see, no one has ever become great by walking a nicely paved, well lit path of certainty.
All of the greats throughout history have elevated to their station in life by standing nose-to-nose with the gremlins of this world, fear, doubt and procrastination, and pressing on anyway.
You’re scared? Good!
You don’t know if you can do it? Good!
You’re uncertain if this will actually take you where you want to go? Good!
Now you can become great.
In the pages ahead, when the unexpected finds you, I ask that you press on anyway, “for the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few.”
What is My Home Far Away?
This project is my next book. I am releasing it here as I write it.
What you will read are the chapters and sections that will eventually be published into a book titled, My Home Far Away.
With each new chapter, you will also have the ability to listen to the audio book via the My Home Far Away podcast.
Everything is Free. That is essential to the mission.
There is no Release Schedule: Each new chapter will be published at any time with no warning. It could be Noon on a Wednesday or 3:00 in the morning on a Sunday. It might be fifteen minutes between posts, or fifteen months.
Each chapter demands my best work and my best work is unpredictable.
Changes are Likely: I will be collecting feedback from a variety of sources. To think that I will nail it perfectly each time is unrealistic. Chapters may move locations or be completely re-written. I will keep you updated on those changes and keep everything organized at MyHomeFarAway.com so you can follow along there.
Lastly, There is a Real Secret
I do not say this for dramatic effect. The secret to exceptional human health is real, it’s surprising and I’m going to reveal it to you.
But I’m going to reveal it to you at the end of this project. It will be the last thing I write.
For me to truly teach this, I must take you on a journey and you must walk with me.
If you are up something like that, I have the experience of a lifetime for you.
Meet Sean Light
Sean Light is the former Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Los Angeles Lakers, Arizona Diamondbacks and New York Yankees.
As the founder of Athletic Health, Sean serves as a speaker, published author and coach.
Sean holds over 20 professional certifications and college degrees. He has served as a keynote speaker at national industry conventions and a guest lecturer at various American universities.
Notable Qualifications:
Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist
Licensed Massage Therapist (LMT)
Postural Restoration Institute: Postural Restoration Trained (PRT)
Functional Movement Screen: Level 2
Active Release Technique: Upper Body Extremity
Notable Presentations:
2015 National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) National Coach’s Conference
2018 National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) New Jersey State Clinic
2019 National Strength & Conditioning Association (NSCA) Massachusetts State Clinic
Springfield College – The Neurology of the Athlete
Quinnipiac University – The Role of Fascia in Biomechanics
Sacred Heart University – Soft Tissue Techniques Simplified
College of Holy Cross – The genMAX Training Model
Equinox Trainer Forum – Discover genMAX.
Click Here to Read More About Sean (Coming Soon)
How to Get Help?
We work with two types of people at Athletic Health:
People in pain who are searching for answers ***
People looking to create their next health/performance breakthrough and maximize their physical health.
*** We commonly work with people with orthopedic pain such as back, neck, knee, foot/ankle, head, neck, shoulder, etc. Most of our clients have seen various specialists with no help or answers before coming to Athletic Health ***
If you believe you fit one of these descriptions, we offer three ways to take you through the Athletic Health system.
The Athletic Health System: Do it Yourself
Athletic Health Coaching: Work with an Expert Athletic Health Coach
Weight Room Wealth: Work 1-on-1 with Sean (Application Only)
If you’d like to speak with someone first, follow this link to tell us a little more and schedule a free discovery call.
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